Acne is a skin problem that can affect any age. Babies, adolescents and adults are all affected by this skin disease. Acne pimples are often placed on our face, but they can also spread on the chest, back and even on the scalp. The appearance of these red pimples causes itching of the scalp. In addition, acne is sometimes accompanied by hair loss. Whatever the type of acne, you must first know its causes before choosing a treatment.
Acne on the scalp: how to get out of it?
What Causes Scalp Pimples ?
We are used to seeing red pimples on the face, which is why we don’t really care about scalp acne. Most people don’t know that itchy scalp is partly caused by acne pimples. The latter result from the strong secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands. More specifically, the excess sebum produced clogs the pores of the scalp and causes inflammation of the hair follicles. There are different factors for the appearance of blackheads (or pimples) such as poor hygiene and stress. The latter creates a hormonal imbalance that promotes excessive sebum production. It is also proven that consuming too much caffeine increases the body’s acidity and inflammation. This greatly contributes to the breakout of pimples on scalp.
What treatment for scalp acne?
When it concerns a scalp problem, it is always more practical to prevent it than to cure it. Having good scalp hygiene is very important to avoid acne. Wash your hair at least 2 times a week with a hypoallergenic or dandruff shampoo (the zinc it contains helps to limit acne). Tea tree essential oil is also very effective in treating acne prone skin. Whatever the shape, type, or causes of red pimples, it is not recommended to apply products that are too strong on the scalp. However, it is recommended to see a dermatologist before starting treatment, especially since the pimples that can be found on the scalp are not all acne pimples. Among them there are also rosacea pimples, seborrheic dermatitis, descaling folliculitis, etc.
Offset folliculitis is an inflammatory disease causing pustules and crusts on the scalp. It is a chronic disease which can lead to the destruction of the hair follicles and the permanent loss of hair in the affected areas. Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium isolated in the majority of cases from the pustules of the scalp, and it is accused as a causative factor of the disease. Anti-staphylococcus antibiotics are effective in controlling pustular breakouts and preventing recurrences. Desciculating folliculitis belongs to the group of diseases of the scalp called “scar alopecia “.
What is descaling folliculitis?
Offset folliculitis is a rare chronic disease. It is part of the group of diseases causing scarring alopecia. Scar alopecia is by definition hair loss from one or more areas of the scalp with skin fibrosis of the affected areas and consequently permanent hair loss in this area.
The descending folliculitis represents approximately 11% of the causes of scarring alopecia. It occurs more frequently in young and middle-aged adults with a predominance of men. It most frequently affects people of African descent.
Like all scarring alopecia, It is important to detect descaling folliculitis at an early stage to try to stop the progression of the disease in order to avoid permanent hair loss in the affected areas.