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Drawstring Cut Out Maxi Dress

Drawstring Cut Out Maxi Dress

Getting the celebrity look is something you are absolutely going to love when it comes to someone as timeless and elegant as Sofia Richie. All you have to do is pick out the dress you prefer, whether in black or in white, and you’ll be able to create the same look she did, with very minimal effort.

Let’s start from the bottom, shall we? Sofia chose to wear this dress entirely barefoot, which is a great call because it’s a perfect dress for casual, beachy wear. If you’re going to head out on a boat, to the beach, hang at home or really anything that’s relaxing you could skip the shoes altogether or you could choose some more island-inspired footwear.

From there, we come to the dress itself. For Sofia’s look all you have to do is tie up the drawstring tight, so you can get the maximum amount of skin showing over the stomach. After all, Sofia has a pretty great stomach to show off and if you do too you’re going to want that same great opportunity. You could even bling it up with a belly button piercing or a simple chain across the stomach, but you could also choose to leave that skin bare.

Next up we go to the arms, which could be covered completely by the sleeves of this dress, the way Sofia herself chose to go. This gives you a slightly more conservative look, just like the long skirt (and counters the revealing nature of the stomach and the V-neck). Or you could choose to push the sleeves up slightly and pair them with a few bangle bracelets or some retro braided bracelets. They’ll add to the beachy, casual vibe that you’re going for.

You can also take a look at something for around your neck, like a choker or even a long layered piece. Something a little flashy will make this dress look like it belongs on the Red Carpet, but you can use it for anything special. On the other hand, something simple will help you maintain that casual atmosphere and you’ll be ready to relax on your favorite beach chair in no time at all. Something in between gives you a look you can wear for regular shopping or hanging out with friends.

Earrings are a great addition to anything you wear and with this outfit you could go simple studs or big and blingy. Sofia chose to hide her earrings (if she’s wearing any) behind her hair, which she also chose to leave mostly down to compliment the casual nature of the dress. Instead of a big, fancy updo she chose to pull back part of her hair with a clip and leave the rest as it is. It definitely adds to the style but still keeps things looking like something you could replicate.

If you want the Sofia Richie look this dress is going to mke it easy. All you have to do is slip it on and tie it up where you want it. Then you could skip the jewelry to stya casual or layer it on to dress things up.

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