What Is the Faster Way to Fat Loss Plan?

What Is the Faster Way to Fat Loss Plan?

If you look in the mirror and decide enough is enough: it’s time to get your body back into shape, it makes sense to search for what is the faster way to fat loss plan, looking for a step-by-step guide.

And there are some good programs to help you on your way—fat-loss plans can provide information on how to eat, how to exercise, how to supplement to lose fat, and even provide accountability. Yet many plans make it more complicated and difficult than it needs to be to lose fat fast.

While losing weight can be challenging, a simple, basic approach is often best as it’s often about building healthy habits over the long term. (After all, who wants to lose weight only to regain it all after a few weeks or months, and then have to start all over again?)

Step-by-Step: What Is the Faster Way to Fat Loss Plan?

Step #1: Modify Your Diet

The best place to start to lose fat quickly is by ensuring you’re consuming a healthy diet. What does that mean? It’s starts by eliminating ultra-processed junk foods and sugar sweetened drinks and replacing them with nutrient-dense whole foods and fresh, clean water along with tea or even coffee.

For example, instead of getting a fast-food fried chicken sandwich, grill up some chicken at home and serve it on a slice of whole-grain bread. If you prefer chicken nuggets, you can find several easy oven-baked homemade recipes (with oven-baked “fries” to boot).

Instead of grabbing a big bowl of pasta, make a delicious pasta meal at home using a single ingredient bean pasta (or zoodles if you prefer) and topwith sautéed tomatoes, spinach, cooked beans,and artichoke hearts, with some olive oil. Add a sprinkle of feta cheese and sliced olives for a simple, healthy dinner that’s ready in minutes.

 With just a little kitchen knowhow, you can quickly, easily change your diet to help you lose fat fast!

 For an even greater nutritional edge:

 Ensure you eat protein like eggs, meat, seafood, legumes, and dairy products with every meal, especially breakfast. Eating more protein has been shown to help reduce

appetite, burn more fat, preserve muscle mass and metabolism as you lose weight, and decrease your chances of gaining belly fat.

  • Get plenty of fiber. The average person gets nowhere near the recommended 20 to 25 grams of fiber daily, and this is a shame as fiber absorbs water and then slowly moves through the digestive track. This means you stay fuller for longer after eating, so you naturally and easily eat less calories. However, if you don’t get much fiber now, increase slowly to avoid any digestive issues as your body adjusts.

Conversely, most of us eat more than enough refined carbohydrates which are low in fiber and nutrients. They also lead to spikes and crashes in energy, blood sugar, and hunger. Switch to more complex carbs from vegetables and whole grains instead.

Fight fat with healthy fats. Because fat takes longer to digest, it can reduce appetite and hunger to help you lose weight. So, don’t shy away from healthy fats like olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds. (These foods do pack a big calorie punch, though, so moderation is also important.)

Step 2: Be More Active

 So many of us spend the majority of our time sitting down. We sit in the car, sit at work, sit while eating, sitting while watching TV, etc., etc. Yet our bodies were designed to move.

Aerobic exercise is important to train the heart and lungs. It also burns calories and helps fight belly fat, decrease waist circumference, and drop body fat. It’s a key component of a faster way to fat loss plan! Shoot for between 150 and 300 minutes of moderate to intense cardio every week. (That’s only about 20 to 40 minutes each day.) Start with a daily walk and work up to jogging or running, or try cycling or swimming or dancing if that’s what you enjoy.

If you’re looking to save time, then you can also try HIIT or high-intensity interval training a couple of times per week. A simple HIIT workout is alternating between walking and jogging every 30 seconds for 15 to 20 minutes.

But don’t stop there: strength or resistancetraining also helps burn fat, especially belly fat, and has even been shown to be more effective for burning fat than aerobic exercise alone. It also helps preserve lean mass, which helps you burn more calories throughout the day. Start with two 20- to 30-minute full-body exercise sessions like this quick fat loss workout at home:

  •         Down Dog: hold for 30 seconds
  •         Squats with alternating leg lifts: 15 to 20 repetitions per leg
  •         Superman: hold for 30 seconds
  •         Step-ups: 15 to 20 repetitions per leg
  •         Pushups: 8 to 10 repetitions
  •         Standing Knee Raises (keeping the core tight): 15 to 20 repetitions per leg
  •         Glute Bridge: 15 to 20 repetitions
  •         Lunges (any variation): 15 to 20 repetitions per leg
  •         Plank: hold for 30 to 60 seconds
  •         Wall sit: hold for 60 seconds

Repeat circuit for a total of 20 to 30 minutes.

Even an hour of exercise per day, however, isn’t enough to combat sitting the rest of the day. Increase your non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) by ensuring you stand up and move throughout the day (for at least a minute every hour). You can also park farther away to get in some extra steps (shoot for 8,000 to 10,000 per day), take the stairs rather than the elevator, pace while on the phone, fidget while working on your computer, stretch when watching TV, or just turn up the music and dance as you’re doing household chores.

Step 3: Make Sleep a Priority

If you still think “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” or even just decide to get up an hour earlier to get in a workout without going to sleep any earlier, you’re setting yourself up for failure. When asking what’s most important for the faster way to fat loss plan, quality sleep is at the top of the list.

One study from the American Journal of Epidemiology, for example, found that women who sleep five or fewer hours a night (over the 16-year study) were more likely to gain weight than those who got in 7 hours a night. Other research found that getting at least 7 hours of sleep every night increased the chances of losing weight by 33% over a 6-month weight-loss plan.

Lacking sleep has been shown to alter hunger hormones, increase appetite, and increase the risk of obesity.

Step 4: Add the Best Abdominal Fat Burner Supplement

Once you have developed the above habits, you may want to consider adding the best abdominal fat burner supplements to help you lose stubborn fat. Some ingredients to look for that are supported by science include:

  •         Irvingia gabonensis (aka African Mango or IGOB-131)
  •         Dichrostachys glomerate (aka DYG-400-P or Dyglomera)
  •         Cissus quandrangularis (CQR-300)
  •         Capsaicin
  •         Green tea extract
  •         Caffeine
  •         Glucomannan
  •         Meratrim
  •         CLA
  •         Melatonin
  •         Probiotics

What Is the Faster Way to Fat Loss Plan Summarized

You don’t need to go on a crash diet, eliminate entire food groups, or start a difficult, cumbersome diet and exercise program for a faster way to fat loss plan. You can start by going back to the basics and eating real, whole foods, moving your body daily, getting enough quality sleep, staying hydrated, and perhaps adding a quality supplement to support your goals.