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How to persuade your partner to propose to you

person holding silver diamond ring

Maybe you’ve finally found the one that ticks all the boxes for you. He makes you feel loved and wanted. In your eyes, he’s the partner you’ve always wanted. You feel that it’s time to take your relationship to the next level. 

While some people find it easy to propose to their partner, a huge number of others aren’t as comfortable doing so. If you feel like this is the right time to take your relationship to the next level, but don’t know how to, worry not! We’ve rounded up some of the most natural tricks that you can use to your advantage. Your boyfriend or girlfriend will propose to you in a minute.

  • Find out if he’s ready

Before you lure your partner into proposing to you, have you found out if he’s ready? If your partner isn’t ready it may not be possible to convince him to propose. This however doesn’t mean it’s not possible. According to John Malloy’s book, “Why Some Men Marry Some Women and Not Others”, he shares that men between the ages of 17 to 70 who were about to marry felt increasingly out of place in bars, nightclubs, and any other place that was once their favorite hangout. If your partner acting or feeling this way, chances are he’s ready to settle and therefore what you need to do is simply convince him.

One other way to find out if he’s ready is to ask yourself one simple question. Is he financially independent? Just like women, men too have a biological clock, just that there are ticks differently from women’s. Research has shown that for most men their priorities tend to be focused on acquiring financial security before having a family. If your partner is still struggling with his bills, he’s not going to want to settle yet. This is because, in his mind, a wife will only be one more extra burden. Come to think of it, it wouldn’t be right to settle with a man that can’t provide or care for his family.

Has your partner ever suggested having kids? Do you always catch him staring longingly at them? Carol Morgan a renowned matchmaker observes that when your partner does this, he’s ready for marriage. This is so especially when he suggests that the two of you would have beautiful children.

After this, you tell him how much he means to you and that marriage wouldn’t change your relationship. Even if he isn’t ready to get married to you, he will realize that you make it easy for him.

  • Give him hints about what you want

Once you’re sure your partner is ready for marriage, try hinting to him now and then that you want to settle. You don’t have to ask him straight up to propose, that will only add too much pressure. One way to start is by bringing up a conversation about marriage, share your opinion, and also ask for his. Be sure to emphasize the things you like about marriage and maybe he’ll start to love them too. Ensure to always bring up the topic in a more natural way.

  • Spend more time with your friends

Feelings of affection grow stronger when our partner is away. Now would be the perfect opportunity to put that saying into action. When you’re dating your partner, friends seem to get out of the picture. This is because you become dedicated to him/her all the time. Going to the movies, eating together, sleepovers, everything. If you want him to propose to you, switch up your routine and start hanging out more with your friends. You should show him that there are other people you can spend time with too. Plan weekend getaways with your friends and don’t tell them until the actual day. This will make him feel insecure and he’ll start to feel like he’s losing you. This simple trick will make your partner propose to. You sooner than you realize.

  • Always look good

Most guys would want to settle with a partner who knows how to look after themselves. You don’t necessarily have to wear expensive clothes and perfumes. Only make sure you’re always clean, smelling fresh, exercise, hydrate, and eat healthily. Do this routinely and once he notices how nicely you take care of yourself, hell wants to be associated with you for the rest of his life.

  • Show them pictures of wedding rings 

If you trust your boyfriend this should be easy. You may say “I really love these wedding rings, do you want to see them?” show him the ring you loved the most and why. Maybe you love the little diamonds engraved around it, the rose gold color or the fact that it matches with your engagement ring. You may also say, “Oh look, that’s the exact wedding ring I’ve always wanted.” Remember not to badger, most men don’t like to be asked about wedding rings every day. As you wait for his reply act patient, keep saving and pinning your favorite engagement and wedding rings Dublin has to offer.

  • Prove to him that you’re wife material

Your partner probably wants to marry a wife that’s fun and playful. Someone that makes his life easier rather than stressful. Ensure that he knows how much you love children and would want to be a mother to your children. Support him through his achievements as well as ups and downs. When he sees that you’re secure and mature, he’ll have no choice but to propose to you.

Final thoughts

If you feel like it’s the right time to get married to your partner and they haven’t yet proposed, try applying some of the tips we’ve shared i.e. showing him pictures of wedding rings, taking care of your body, making him miss you, but above all find out if he’s ready. When you know where he stands in life and his opinion, it will be easier to bend him to your side. Good luck!